Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Great Weekend

 I am going to start blogging about my weekends because they seem to hold the most adventurous moments of them all.

My weekend consisted of a surprise birthday party for my friend Tanae, she turned I remember those days....3 years ago....crazy! The next wonderful event I went to was my best friend since the 5th or 6th (it's been so many years since then, my memory has escaped me) grade's wedding, it was beautiful, like, I was speechless and last but not least, I went to a midnight cookout with friends. It was so many more people there this year than last year, we had lots of much fun, they shut it down. LOL!

Take a look at some of the pictures I have from the weekend





  1. Your best friend looks gorgeous!! Congratulations to her, looks like she had a beautiful wedding.

    Thanks for coming to party as well!

  2. Thank you and thanks for inviting me! =)
