Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fashion Night Out in NYC

Ok so this past Friday has to get its own personal section because so much happened and didn't happen...LOL! NYC was the place to be for Fashion Night Out, like it was like A&T's homecoming with the amount of people crowded in the streets in NYC but I know it was millions more in NYC running the streets. We got an extremely late start and had our first meal of the day at 8pm and grubbed in route, so we missed out on seeing any celebrities. I was a little sad about that but what can you do. I saw plenty of trendy people throughout the street. We walked pass many stores and probably should have stopped inside because it was wine or liquor at just about every store, CRAZY and great madness.

We ended up just going to Rugby which we thought we would find someone, but they were no where to be found. We sipped some Proseco, which I love from having so much of it at my job. That is like the wine at all events at my showroom.  While trying to figure out the next move, we randomly ran into this guy with speakers around his neck playing Lady GaGa and we started partying with him...only in NYC. After this, we headed to some bar we thought was for a big event but it was some rinky dink bar but I planned to drink like no other so the night got a lot more fun. We partied at this bar for an hour or two and then walked/pumped LMAO!!!! like 20 blocks, not even kidding. We had so much fun on that walk, you had to be there. The next bar we went to was quite different and interesting...LOL...I won't go into details, but when we got here, we were exhausted. New York partying is another world...like you have to rest up to party there...LOL.

We ended the night after this spot......

Here are snapshots to hopefully give you a feel for what it's like in NYC on FNO

Photo Op on the way to the train
Love my chicken from POPEYES


  1. So you looked Freaking PHENOMENAL!!!!! DOpe Dope Dope!!!And why do I think that is the same lil store/deli/grocery we went to off the late night to get a breakfast sandwich!?!! LOL

  2. THANKS MARCUS!!!! And lmao it could have been, most of them look exactly alike but then again it could be the same spot.

  3. Dana you look wonderful!
    & Mika! Her skin is GLOWING. I love it!

  4. Thaanks Sandra lol.. This was some night right here.. geesh all that walking haha. I still have to get my pictures off the flipping camera lol
